Value Addition

Value Addition

We often see people come up with the idea of ‘value addition’ to enhance the quality of various products pertaining to health care. Similarly, Aushmath has taken immense effort to increase the value of traditional Agnihotra by incorporating unique natural elements that are highly beneficial for man and his environment. Aushmath has decided to utilize the flexibility of adding up new elements as offerings based on the following

conversation given in “Jaiminiya-Brahmana, 1:19 “
Janaka of Videha: “Do you know the Agnihotra?”
Yagnavalkya : “I know, it is offering milk into the fire”
Janaka of Videha: “If there were no milk, with what would you have performed the sacrifice? “


Yagnavalkya : “With rice and barley“
Janaka of Videha: “If there were no rice and barley, with what would you have performed the sacrifice? “
Yagnavalkya: “With other grasses that were about“
Janaka of Videha: “If there were no other grasses, with what would you have performed the sacrifice?
Yagnavalkya: “With the plants that I found in the forest
Janaka of Videha: If there were no plants in the forest, with what would you have performed the sacrifice? “
Yagnavalkaya: “With fruits of the trees“
Janaka of Videha: “If there were no fruits of the trees, with what would you have performed the sacrifice?“
Yajnavalkya: “With water”
Janaka of Videha: “If there were no water, with what would you have performed the sacrifice?”
Yajnavalkya: “In that case, Truth would be offered into faith”

This intelligent dialogue between the King and the Philosopher reveals the flexibility in choosing substances as offerings for Agnihotra. In view of this, Aushmath has carried out 15 years of dedicated research and as a result, a scientifically proven but sacred blend of 35 natural elements, viz., PANACEA ULTIMATE’ has been formulated for offering during the performance of Agnihotra and t0 emphasize the importance of ‘PANACEA ULTIMATE’ in purifying energy system of man and his polluted surroundings, Aushmath calls the value added version of Agnihotra as PURE.